Tuesday 28 June 2016


Today I have my positive hat on.
Good things that could potentially come out of this mess:
People realise their vote can count for something, leading towards a more proportional way of electing our government.
People realise that many politicians are barefaced liars, leading towards a new political movement based on honest facts and less poisonous rhetoric.
The EU realises that it needs to do more to engage with citizens to make them feel more empowered and to inform them of how their votes affect EU policy.
The government realises it can no longer afford to ignore large swathes of the population who have real issue with and are suffering because of the way they have been ignored by Westminster.
People realise that there is a hardcore xenophobic and racist section of the population and will come together to do something about this through education and working together.
Unlikely maybe, but never underestimate what a united population can do.

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