Thursday 23 June 2016

Vote remain

Yes it isn't perfect, and no I don't have all the answers, but I'm going to vote based in what evidence is out there from people whose job it is to know what they're talking about.
As far as I can tell, leaving will fix little, while bearing massive risk for both the UK and the EU. Remaining brings many benefits for the environment, workers, and those in need of protection.
But really for me this is about working together with people across nations to try and build a better future. Sure, there will always be arguments, that's human nature, and sure it might cost us a little, but why are people who happen to live on this island so much more important than those who happen to live across a few miles of water? Maybe I'm a hopeless idealist, but the ideas of common rights, freedom of movement and ease of trade sound pretty appealing to me. Especially when compared to the mistrusting, often xenophobic approach of isolationism.
And also I'd rather keep Boris, Michael and Nigel as far from government as possible.
Vote remain.

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